When deciding upon a bartending school, be sure to look at their practice bar to make your final decision. Basically, you attend a bartending school to be able to practice the trade. So be sure to check that the bartending school that you are thinking about attending has a full bar for you to practice on. Without a nice practice bar, you can just setup your own bar by referencing my lesson on the Home Bar Setup.
Home Bar Set Up for Practice
So here are some bartending schools in no particular order. I'm not going to hyperlink them right now, so you'll have to do a quick Google search yourself to find their website.
- National Bartending School - 1-800-646-MIXX
- ABC Bartending School - 1-888-COCKTAIL
- New York Bartending School - 212-768-8460
- The Professional Bartending School of Arlington, Virginia - 703-841-9700
- The Bartending College - 1-888-901-TIPS
- San Francisco School of Bartending - 415-362-1166
- Professional Bartending Schools of America - No number listed
- International School of Bartending - 1-800-974-7974
- Authentic Bartending School - 1-800-TEND-BAR
- American Professional Bartending Schools of Illnois - 773-BARTEND
- New England Licensed Bartending School - 1-888-437-4657
Bartending schools usually charge between $250-$500 to attend. If you go to a good bartending school, it is definitely worth the investment since you will likely make that money back in a week of work. Employers also like properly trained staff since it ensures that you are a quality bartender, and reduces the time needed to train you.
If you own a bartending school, please feel free to contact me if you'd like to be included on the list.